Monday 16 January 2012

International Indigenous tourism conference for Darwin

The Pacific Asia Indigenous Tourism Conference is being held at the Darwin Convention Centre.from March 28 to 30. It’s the first ever International conference devoted to expanding the profile, perception and scope of Indigenous tourism, particularly in the Pacific Asia Region. Around 300-400 delegates are expected to attend from around the region.

The Organising Committee is working closely with the local Larrakia people who will welcome delegates and especially representatives of Indigenous peoples from around the world.

This conference is not only for Indigenous tourism operators, but also organisations representing Indigenous peoples, governments and government agencies, tourism organisations and operators, sustainable tourism bodies, multi-lateral agencies and NGOs, universities and research bodies as well as the international media.

The Pacific Asia  region has the greatest concentration and variety of Indigenous peoples and cultures in the world.and tourism provides the strongest driver to restore, protect and promote Indigenous cultures.

Most issues affecting the development of Indigenous tourism in individual countries are common throughout the region. For it to be increasingly successful, Indigenous tourism needs to develop beyond its stereotypical and marginal role and to be brought to the mainstream of tourism.

PAITC’s programme will feature several top international speakers, and will be a great an opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge 

The main purpose of the conference will be to establish the role of tourism in Indigenous advancement and cultural preservation and define the role of Indigenous tourism experiences as a vehicle for cultural understanding, tolerance and sustainability.

Find out more at

Prepared by Bob Woodward & Associates: offering you business consultancy, accounting, payroll administration and ancillary services in Darwin, the capital of Australia’s Northern Territory.

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